The best personal growth audiobooks
Most humans have a creative facet in our minds that we almost never achieve or want to develop for practical or personal reasons. Gilbert defends the need to explore the creative side to achieve a full existence, overcoming fear (of embarrassment, of making a fool of yourself, of wasting time, of not being taken seriously) and embracing the mystical and intangible part of inspiration. . The author explains how to have a positive relationship with one’s creativity, how to be disciplined but not take it too seriously, how not to harbor high expectations but not let oneself get discouraged, and how every small daily act, whether drawing, decorating the house, or figure skating, It feeds that creative part of humans and, not only can it, but must be an organic part of our lives.
At the same time, he completely demystifies the figure of the tormented artist, defending an open, receptive and positive attitude in search of inspiration as a result of healthy curiosity, discipline and determination that keeps the ego at bay and allows us to overcome disappointments and failures.
«Creativity is sacred and at the same time it is not.
What we do matters a lot and at the same time it doesn’t matter at all.
We work in solitude, and spirits accompany us.
We are terrified and we are brave.
Art is a daunting task and a wonderful privilege.
The work wants to be done, and it wants to be done by you. Elizabeth Gilbert
She overcomes fear and discovers the miracle of a creative life.
“Her avalanche of optimism, seasoned with the dose of humor of someone who speaks from experience, will serve as a mantra for more than one reader.” (The country)
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